CoCo Cord Kimonos
# LGD307

From Lazy Girl Designs - Joan Hawley
By Hawley, Joan
In Craft
Big or small, corral them all! CoCo is a beautiful, kimono-style keeper, handy for cords, ribbon, yarn...even small quilt bindings. CoCo is soft but offers structure so she’s flexible to adjust as needed with a clever button and tie closure.Three sizes that fit in your hand. Makes 4: 1 large, 1 medium, 2 small Two 10in squares coordinating cotton fabric 2/3 yd (or two 10in squares) Fusi-Bond™ Lite fusible web by Lazy Girl, SLG1011 or SLG101 One 10in square Stiff Stuff™ Firm interfacing by Lazy Girl, SLG107SQ, SLG1071, or SLG107 4 Buttons 5/8in or smaller (Button Up! by Just Another Button Company shown) 3/4 yard embroidery floss, ribbon, or yarn for ties Erasable marking tool recommended 8 1/2in x 11in piece of Template plastic or Olfa Circle Cutter CMP-3 instead of making templates

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Made in USA

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