Summer Solstice Queen
# JNQ00254P1
From Quiltworx - Judy Niemeyer Quilting
By Niemeyer, Brad
and Niemeyer, Judy
In Foundation Paper Piecing
The Summer Solstice Queen pattern is a long awaited publication from Quiltworx, expanding the Summer Solstice pattern, a customer favorite, to a Queen size layout. To accomplish this, a few changes had to be made to the pattern. In addition, some updated techniques were incorporated into this design to increase yardage efficiency, time efficiency, and organization. Through these updates, we have designed a great pattern, although not compatible with the original design. As a result, if you are hoping to use this queen pattern to expand the original quilt, we recommend just remaking the center and New York Beauty units using the new papers. During assembly, you will be very glad that you did!
Not in Chains
Made in USA
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