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Quiltfolk Issue 33 Zoom Icon
Quiltfolk Issue 33
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From Quiltfolk
In Quilting - Holiday
One look through this issue, and it’s easy to understand why New Mexico is called The Land of Enchantment. The state’s breathtaking views, rich history, and, of course, the stunning quilts and their talented creators are sure to leave you captivated. Though it’s often portrayed as an arid desert, New Mexico boasts some of the most diverse landscapes in the US, with everything from expansive, red-hued deserts and lush grasslands to mesas and towering, snow-capped mountains. The landscapes of New Mexico feel almost otherworldly.

And speaking of the otherworldly, New Mexico is also home to one of the most famous conspiracy theories—the Roswell incident. In 1947, a United States Army Air Forces balloon allegedly crashed near Roswell, sparking rumors of a downed extraterrestrial spacecraft. (There’s a joke in here somewhere: while aliens might “Come in Peace,” quilters “Come to Piece.” Okay, maybe that one needs a little more time on the design wall.)

Over the years, the Roswell story has grown into a mix of mythology and mystery, analyzed by everyone from social anthropologists to skeptics. As you know, we at Quiltfolk love a good tale, and this issue is full of them. We may not have any extraterrestrial sightings to report, but we think you’ll agree—New Mexico’s quilters are out of this world.

  • Pages: 164

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