Thimtec Thimble Tape Sunshine Yellow
# TP-PN1-SN-34IN

From Thimtec Thimble Tape
SHOPHOP25 Collection
In Thimbles
Authorized Distribution Channels Thimtec Thimble Tape products may only be sold through authorized brick-and-mortar retail locations and authorized retailer websites. The resale of Thimtec Thimble Tape products on any third-party marketplace platforms, including but not limited to Amazon, eBay, Walmart Marketplace, or any other similar platforms, is strictly prohibited.
Prevents hand fatigue, stitch through light to heavy layers. Puncture resistant. Excellent grip strength. Molds to your finger and nail, stick to itself and not to you. Heat resistant.
Latex Free. Customizable. Tear or cut off at least 8-10 inches or more of Thimble Tape, depending on the amount of protection you need. Wrap tightly and then squeeze to mold around your finger for a perfect and comfortable fit that you can remove and re-use until it wears down.
Perfect for sewing, quilting, mending, crafting, sashiko, knitting, crochet, needlepoint and fiber arts of any kind.
Color: Sunshine Yellow
Size: 45 ft long and 3/4 inches wide.
Use: Thimble Wrap
Prevents hand fatigue, stitch through light to heavy layers. Puncture resistant. Excellent grip strength. Molds to your finger and nail, stick to itself and not to you. Heat resistant.
Latex Free. Customizable. Tear or cut off at least 8-10 inches or more of Thimble Tape, depending on the amount of protection you need. Wrap tightly and then squeeze to mold around your finger for a perfect and comfortable fit that you can remove and re-use until it wears down.
Perfect for sewing, quilting, mending, crafting, sashiko, knitting, crochet, needlepoint and fiber arts of any kind.

Made in USA

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