Triple Tannenbaum
# SUZ354

From Suzn Quilts
By Marth, Susan
In Quilts
3 sizes of quilts are included in this one simple pattern. Susan’s Mini UZ4866& Tiny Tree SUZ286 Template Sets make the cutting & sewing so accurate. With just straight sewing, they’re a perfect Featherweight club Christmas project! These quilts are lovely as made but think of the ways they can be decorated for any décor. A great way to create a decorating event with your shop with embellishment kits & contests. Sizes include large wall quilt 43.5 in. x 56 in., medium wall quilt 22 in. x 28 in. & small quilt 9.5” x 13.25 in.
Printed Paper Pattern
Finished Size: Multiple
Final Product: Quilt
Paper Templates Included
Technique Used: Standard Machine Sewing
Skill Level: Beginner

Not in Chains

Made in USA

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