Windy Day
# JNQ00245P1

From Quiltworx - Judy Niemeyer Quilting
By Niemeyer, Judy
and Niemeyer, Judel
In Quilting - General
The Windy Day book features six layouts ranging from a small wall quilt to quilts large enough for a twin size bed. Complete these layouts using your favorite fabrics, or add paper pieced Charm Elements published by Quiltworx.com to achieve a fun quilt layout perfect for nearly every occasion!
The 12” Creative Grids Wave Ruler designed by Judy Niemeyer is a required notion for the projects in this book, but the paper piecing elements are optional!
Pages: 35
Author: Judy Neimeyer
Publish Date: 2017
The 12” Creative Grids Wave Ruler designed by Judy Niemeyer is a required notion for the projects in this book, but the paper piecing elements are optional!

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