Next Year's Tree Skirt
# CM202109

From Carolina Moore
By Moore, Carolina
In Quilts
This English Paper Pieced Tree Skirt is beautifully hand-pieced using the traditional EPP method. Instructions for glue basting, sewing, and adding a facing are included in the pattern.
An EPP-facing method is used to finish the edges of the tree skirt, keeping the scallop-like edge without needing to bind non-right angles. Instructions are also provided for trimming the edges so that the tree skirt can be bound traditionally.
Printed Paper Pattern
Finished Size: 57in Diameter 30in Sides
Final Product: Quilt
Technique Used: English Paper Piecing
Skill Level: Beginner
An EPP-facing method is used to finish the edges of the tree skirt, keeping the scallop-like edge without needing to bind non-right angles. Instructions are also provided for trimming the edges so that the tree skirt can be bound traditionally.

Not in Chains

Made in USA

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