Scrap Happy Squares

From Cut Loose Press
By Heatherly, Deb
In Quilts
What a great scrap quilt! The quilt is made with just two alternating blocks. Since one of those blocks is the hourglass or quarter-square triangle, the alternating pieced four-patch block looks like they are set on point. This adds a dramatic element to the quilt that is oh sew easy to achieve!
88in x 88in.
Creative Grids CGR10 is recommended.
Project Time: 6 Hours +
Fabric Type: Yardage Friendly
Project Type: Quilt
Cut Loose Press patterns are available in quantities of 6 or greater, so they are perfect for kits or hosting any size class! Printed on demand, we can handle your class of 7, 22, or 159. Get exactly what you need!
Each pattern is customized with your shop's Bill-To account name, phone number, and web site on 8-1/2in x 11in anti-copy card stock. Because they are customized, these patterns are not returnable.
Patterns are custom printed, center hole punched for easy display, and shipped as loose sheets, not individually poly-wrapped.
88in x 88in.
Creative Grids CGR10 is recommended.
Project Time: 6 Hours +
Fabric Type: Yardage Friendly
Project Type: Quilt
Cut Loose Press patterns are available in quantities of 6 or greater, so they are perfect for kits or hosting any size class! Printed on demand, we can handle your class of 7, 22, or 159. Get exactly what you need!
Each pattern is customized with your shop's Bill-To account name, phone number, and web site on 8-1/2in x 11in anti-copy card stock. Because they are customized, these patterns are not returnable.
Patterns are custom printed, center hole punched for easy display, and shipped as loose sheets, not individually poly-wrapped.

Not in Chains

Made in USA

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