Cat Scratch Quilt Pattern
# AECS0323

From Art East Quilting CO
In Quilts
Cat Scratch Quilt Pattern Booklet Confident piecer (skill level 3) - small pieces, diagonal piecing and points to match This pattern includes the instructions to create a unique quilt featuring cats and fish in two sizes, 55.5” x 62” and 40” x 40”. This quilt is traditionally pieced. The pattern is laid out in a way that also allows you to create any of the four different cat blocks individually for other projects or different quilt layouts. A background fabric cutting guide layout is also included to make the most of your fabric while cutting for either the small or large quilt. The cat blocks vary in size from 8” x 16” to 13” x 36.25”. The pattern is 32 pages, printed in full color and saddle stitched with a soft laminate cover.
Printed Paper Pattern
Finished Size: 55-1/2in x 62in & 40in x 40in
Final Product: Quilt
Technique Used: Standard Machine Sewing
Skill Level: Intermediate

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